How To Guide:
Intro to Visualizations

Conversion from Browser to Design Studio

Get Ready

There are a ton of great D3 visualizations out there and there are some great free extensions as part of the SCN community. However, there really isn't much crossover. This guide works through the example provided by SAP and notes the differences between the standard browser script and the script in a Design Studio extension.

SAP does provide some standard visualizations, but rather than try to keep up with a ton of options, they have the SDK for Design Studio. This allows you to add anything you could render in a browser with HTML/CSS/JavaScript in Design Studio dashboards.

My content outline follows along with this one: SAP Tutorial on Creating an Extension with D3 - Gauges


If you would like to follow along, you need to have Design Studio and Eclipse installed. If you don't have access to these programs yet, you should stop now.

Download this guide. It has more technical info on anything you might have questions on and it's for Design Studio version 1.6.


Part 0 – Setting Up Eclipse

This section goes through some basic settings in the program and it should only need to be done once for your workspace. These include defining a "Target Platform" of Design Studio and an "XML Catalog". The target platform assigns the testing instance that will be opened and the XML Catalog works a bit like Intellisense for Visual Studio and warns you of conformance errors in your XML markup.
The next part of this is importing existing projects. There are many open source extensions out there provided by SAP and SCN. Projects should be imported and then cleaned to remove any metadata that is no longer relevant (Project-->Clean).

Part 1 – Project Creation

They recommend not creating a project from scratch and instead copying an existing project to edit the setup. Configuration of a new project is very complex and there isn't a wizard that exists for it.

Introduction to D3 and Components

Part 2a – Your first Steps with D3

The first part of this process is to start drawing your graphics using SVG. D3 is already built into Design Studio's SDK framework.

This is a basic HTML file to use as a template. You can see D3 has been included here.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>My First D3 Chart</title>
      <script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
      <div id='content'></div>

Here is the arc in the browser and the script that generates it. Since we have no data, the arc's height and width are explicitly defined so that it will appear.

Part 2b – Getting your Arc into a Component

D3 and Require.js are not compatible, so Design Studio has a modified version of D3 built in. This is added to your project via the contribution.xml file using the tag <stdInclude kind="d3"/>.

Here is the script for the Design Studio extension and the arc as rendered in Design Studio. The height and width are still explicitly defined.

sap.designstudio.sdk.Component.subclass("", function() {

        var that = this;

        this.init = function() {
        var myDiv = that.$()[0];                    // added in as compared to browser D3
        var pi = Math.PI;                           //import Pi
        var vis =                  // selects myDiv 
                    .append("svg")                  // appends svg element 
                    .attr("width", "100%")          // sets width to 100% 
                    .attr("height", "100%");        // sets height to 100% 
        var arcDef = d3.svg.arc()
                       .startAngle(45 * (pi/180))   // convert from degrees to radians
        var gaugeArc = vis.attr("width", "400").attr("height", "400").append("path")
	                      .style("fill", "red")
	                      .attr("transform", "translate(200,200)")
	                      .attr("d", arcDef);		



You can see from looking at the code for both that the differences are fairly minor, since we are not yet binding any data to the arc. The real change is that in Design Studio it is nested inside functions and the 'div' it's assigned to is called a little differently than normal. var that = this; gives us a bound reference to this as it refers to the component itself, which may no longer be the scope of this as the code executes.


Right now, all that's being rendered is a static graphic. D3 is supposed to be about representing data, so the next step is to make a list of all the properties that should be configurable. This is the list provided by the tutorial:

Configurable Properties
Width and Heightsize of the container
Start Angle (in degrees)starting angle of the arc, 0 is straight up and 180 is straight down
End Angle (in degrees)finishing angle of the arc
Padding (Top/Bottom/Left/Right)allow for buffer space on the edges of the container
Inner Radius of the Arc0 for it to be pie shaped, greater than 0 for a cutout in the center
Outer Radius of the Arc distance between the center of the gauge and the outside bounded edge of the arc
Centerpointorigin, the center of the arc
Colorcolor of the arc

Some of the properties are related, so not all of them would need to be set and could be derived. Height and width are standard properties of objects in Design Studio, so these would have to be set. From these, the (relative) centerpoint could be calculated. Given set values for the padding, the outer radius could be calculated.

Part 3a – Making your Arc Configurable

Define the basic properties and set default values:

  //Vis definitions
  var innerRad = 0;
  var width = 200;
  var height = 200;
  var startAngleDeg = -90;
  var endAngleDeg = 90;
  var colorCode = "red";

Define the basic margins and set default values:

  //Outer Dimensions & Positioning
  var paddingTop = 10;
  var paddingBottom = 10;
  var paddingLeft = 10;
  var paddingRight = 10;

Define derived properties based on existing properties:

//The total size of the component is calculated from its parts
  // Find the larger left/right padding
  var lrPadding = paddingLeft + paddingRight;
  var tbPadding = paddingTop + paddingBottom;
  var maxPadding = lrPadding;
  if (maxPadding < tbPadding){
    maxPadding = tbPadding;
  var outerRad = (width - 2*(maxPadding))/2;

  //The offset will determine where the center of the arc shall be
  var offsetLeft = width/2;
  var offsetDown = height/2;

Define error handling for bad settings:

  //Don’t let the innerRad be greater than outer rad
  if (outerRad < innerRad){
    outerRad = innerRad;
    var warningMsg = "Warning! The gauge arc has a negative radius. Please decrease the inner"
    warningMsg += " radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including";
    warningMsg += " subtraction for padding) must be at least twice as large as Internal Radius!";

Here is the completed code for the responsive change for D3 in the browser:

  var pi = Math.PI;                                        //import Pi
  //Vis definitiions
  var innerRad = 0;
  var width = 200;
  var height = 200;
  var startAngleDeg = -90;
  var endAngleDeg = 90;
  var colorCode = "red";

  //Outer Dimensions & Positioning
  var paddingTop = 10;
  var paddingBottom = 10;
  var paddingLeft = 10;
  var paddingRight = 10;

//The total size of the component is calculated from its parts
  // Find the larger left/right padding
  var lrPadding = paddingLeft + paddingRight;
  var tbPadding = paddingTop + paddingBottom;
  var maxPadding = lrPadding;
  if (maxPadding < tbPadding){
    maxPadding = tbPadding;
  var outerRad = (width - 2*(maxPadding))/2;

  //The offset will determine where the center of the arc shall be
  var offsetLeft = width/2;
  var offsetDown = height/2;

  //Don’t let the innerRad be greater than outerRad
  if (outerRad < innerRad){
    outerRad = innerRad;
    var warningMsg = "Warning! The gauge arc has a negative radius. Please decrease the inner"
    warningMsg += " radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including";
    warningMsg += " subtraction for padding) must be at least twice as large as Internal Radius!";
  var vis ="#content")                          // selects ID content 
              .append("svg")                               // appends svg element 
              .attr("width", "100%")                       // sets width to 100% 
              .attr("height", "100%");                     // sets height to 100% 
  var arcDef = d3.svg.arc()
                 .startAngle(startAngleDeg * (pi/180))     // convert from degrees to radians
                 .endAngle(endAngleDeg * (pi/180))         // convert from degrees to radians
  var gaugeArc = vis.attr("width", width).attr("height", height).append("path")
                    .style("fill", colorCode)
                    .attr("transform", "translate(" + offsetLeft + "," + offsetDown + ")")
                    .attr("d", arcDef);

Here is the arc that is generated by the new changes - you can see that the start and end angle has changed from before and is now more representative of a gauge.

Part 3b – Adding Properties to the Properties Pane

This is now where the differences become more noticeable. We cannot simply set variables if we want to create a configurable arc in Design Studio. For that, we have to set up properties that are then assigned. Properties are set up and initialized if desired in component.xml. Properties are added after the include elements.

The Property Element

There are both mandatory and optional attributes for properties in Design Studio.

Mandatory Attributes
idtechnical name
typetechnical type

Allowed types are: boolean Color float int ResultCell ResultCellList ResultCellSet ResultSet ScriptText String Text Url
These are case sensitive.

Optional Attributes
groupProperties grouping, default is Display
bindableenables data binding
tooltipmouseover tooltip text
visibleset the property via the Additional Properties Sheet, via script only, or not at all

Examples of Property Elements

Here is an example of a float property with only the mandatory attributes assigned, startAngleDeg:

  title="Start Angle"

Here is an example of an int property with visible set to false, offsetLeft:

  title="Centerpoint Offset X-Axis"
The <initialization> Element

This element allows you to set default values for properties.

These are both valid empty initialization elements:



Best practice is to pre-fill these - mandatory properties are uppercase: HEIGHT WIDTH

  <defaultValue property="WIDTH">100</defaultValue>
  <defaultValue property="HEIGHT">100</defaultValue>

Pre-filling some additional properties: startAngleDeg endAngleDeg colorCode

  <defaultValue property="WIDTH">100</defaultValue>
  <defaultValue property="HEIGHT">100</defaultValue>
  <defaultValue property="startAngleDeg">-90.0</defaultValue>
  <defaultValue property="endAngleDeg">90.0</defaultValue>
  <defaultValue property="colorCode">blue</defaultValue>
Properties and Initialization in Action

Here are all of the properties for our project. Making a table like this will help to keep track of all the properties for project during setup.

These properties are derived from other properties, so they will be hidden (visible is set to false): outerRad offsetLeft offsetDown

startAngleDeg Start Angle float
endAngleDeg End Angle float
innerRad Inner Radius float
outerRad Outer Radius float false
offsetLeft Centerpoint Offset X-Axis int false
offsetDown Centerpoint Offset Y-Axis int false
paddingTop Top Padding int
paddingBottom Bottom Padding int
paddingLeft Left Padding int
paddingRight Right Padding int
colorCode Color Color

Full configuration.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    title="SCN Tutorial Gauge"
    <stdInclude kind="d3"/>
        title="Start Angle"
        title="End Angle"
        title="Inner Radius"
        title="Outer Radius"
        title="Centerpoint Offset X-Axis"
        title="Centerpoint Offset Y-Axis"
        title="Top Padding"
        title="Bottom Padding"
        title="Left Padding"
        title="Right Padding"
        <defaultValue property="WIDTH">100</defaultValue>
        <defaultValue property="HEIGHT">100</defaultValue>
        <defaultValue property="startAngleDeg">-90.0</defaultValue>
        <defaultValue property="endAngleDeg">90.0</defaultValue>
        <defaultValue property="colorCode">blue</defaultValue>

This sets up the properties, but when we bring it into Design Studio they don't actually do anything because they haven't been assigned.

Part3c – The Dark Art of Property Synchronization

Properties live in 2 or 3 of these places depending on where you're running the component: server, canvas/client, additional properties sheet (APS). Properties are synchronized by changes happening on the server or an explicit Javascript function firePropertiesChanged() which sends a message to the server for further propagation if needed.

I'm not even going to try to explain the different scenarios so just read this:

Ensure that you explicitly initialize every property in the APS and component.js and make sure to call firePropertiesChanged() when appropriate.

Part 3d – Bringing Your Properties to Life

Property Initialization

In component.js, replace:

var that = this;


var me = this;
// initialize properties
me._colorCode = 'blue';
me._innerRad = 0.0;
me._outerRad = 0.0;
me._endAngleDeg = 90.0;
me._startAngleDeg = 90.0;
me._paddingTop = 0;
me._paddingBottom = 0;
me._paddingLeft = 0;
me._paddingRight = 0;
me._offsetLeft = 0;
me._offsetDown = 0;

This is similar to what was done in Part 3a for the browser version, but now referencing the component as an object.

Redraw Encapsulation

In the browser, the arc is drawn and then we have no way of manipulating it further. This is not the case for our Design Studio extension. However, this means we need to encapsulate some functions to allow for more than just initialization.

Create a redraw() function and move everything from init into it. Add a call to me.redraw() in init() to replace what was removed. Add a line to clear any existing objects."*").remove();

sap.designstudio.sdk.Component.subclass("", function() {

  var me = this;
  // initialize properties
  me._colorCode = 'blue';
  me._innerRad = 0.0;
  me._outerRad = 0.0;
  me._endAngleDeg = 90.0;
  me._startAngleDeg = 90.0;
  me._paddingTop = 0;
  me._paddingBottom = 0;
  me._paddingLeft = 0;
  me._paddingRight = 0;
  me._offsetLeft = 0;
  me._offsetDown = 0;

  me.redraw = function() {
    var myDiv = me.$()[0];                            // changed reference to me from that
    var pi = Math.PI;                                 // import Pi
    // clear gauges if they exist"*").remove();
    var vis =                        // selects myDiv 
                .append("svg")                        // appends svg element 
                .attr("width", "100%")                // sets width to 100% 
                .attr("height", "100%");              // sets height to 100% 
    var arcDef = d3.svg.arc()
                   .startAngle(45 * (pi/180))         // convert from degrees to radians
    var gaugeArc = vis.attr("width", "400").attr("height", "400").append("path")
                      .style("fill", "red")
                      .attr("transform", "translate(200,200)")
                      .attr("d", arcDef);			
  this.init = function() {
    me.redraw();                                      // now calls redraw instead 
Add Derived Properties

The derived properties will need to be recalculated at runtime, so these will go inside the redraw() function.

This code from the browser script:

//The total size of the component is calculated from its parts
  // Find the larger left/right padding
  var lrPadding = paddingLeft + paddingRight;
  var tbPadding = paddingTop + paddingBottom;
  var maxPadding = lrPadding;
  if (maxPadding < tbPadding){
    maxPadding = tbPadding;
  var outerRad = (width - 2*(maxPadding))/2;

  //The offset will determine where the center of the arc shall be
  var offsetLeft = width/2;
  var offsetDown = height/2;

Becomes this in the Design Studio extension script:

//The total size of the component is calculated from its parts
  // Find the larger left/right padding
  var lrPadding = me._paddingLeft + me._paddingRight;
  var tbPadding = me._paddingTop + me._paddingBottom;
  var maxPadding = lrPadding;
  if (maxPadding < tbPadding){
    maxPadding = tbPadding;
  me._outerRad = (me.$().width() - 2*(maxPadding))/2;

  //The offset will determine where the center of the arc shall be
  me._offsetLeft = me._outerRad + me._paddingLeft;
  me._offsetDown = me._outerRad + me._paddingTop;

Changes of note here are appending me._ to variable name, the change for calling width from width to me.$().width(), changes to the offset calculations, and that some of the variables have already been initialized that weren't yet when we were working in the browser.

Update Other Items

The radius validation, arcDef and gaugeArc now need to be updated as well. As a reminder, these are inside redraw().

/* Configurable Arc in Browser */

  //Don’t let the innerRad be greater than outerRad
  if (outerRad < innerRad){
    outerRad = innerRad;
    var warningMsg = "Warning! The gauge arc has a negative radius. Please decrease the inner"
    warningMsg += " radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including";
    warningMsg += " subtraction for padding) must be at least twice as large as Internal Radius!";

  var arcDef = d3.svg.arc()
                 .startAngle(startAngleDeg * (pi/180))     // convert from degrees to radians
                 .endAngle(endAngleDeg * (pi/180))         // convert from degrees to radians
  var gaugeArc = vis.attr("width", width).attr("height", height).append("path")
                    .style("fill", colorCode)
                    .attr("transform", "translate(" + offsetLeft + "," + offsetDown + ")")
                    .attr("d", arcDef);

/* Static Arc in Design Studio */

var arcDef = d3.svg.arc()
               .startAngle(45 * (pi/180))   // convert from degrees to radians
var gaugeArc = vis.attr("width", "400").attr("height", "400").append("path")
                  .style("fill", "red")
                  .attr("transform", "translate(200,200)")
                  .attr("d", arcDef);		

/* Updated to Configurable Arc in Design Studio SDK */

// Don’t let the innerRad be greater than outerRad
if (outerRad < innerRad){
  outerRad = innerRad;
  var warningMsg = "Warning! The gauge arc has a negative radius. Please decrease the inner"
  warningMsg += " radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including";
  warningMsg += " subtraction for padding) must be at least twice as large as Internal Radius!";

var arcDef = d3.svg.arc()
               .startAngle(me._startAngleDeg * (pi/180))   // convert from degrees to radians
               .endAngle(me._endAngleDeg * (pi/180))       // convert from degrees to radians
var gaugeArc = vis.attr("width", me.$().width()).attr("height", me.$().height()).append("path")
                  .style("fill", me._colorCode)
                  .attr("transform", "translate(" + me._offsetLeft + "," + me._offsetDown + ")")
                  .attr("d", arcDef);		

Changes of note here are appending me._ to variable name, the change for calling width from width to me.$().width(), and the change for calling height from height to me.$().height().

Error Handling/Validation

Previously, we set up a warning for setting a smaller outerRad than the innerRad. This is in the redraw() function but that doesn't help with updating properties. To handle this in the Design Studio SDK it's best to also set up a validation function and then a recalculate outer radius function.

/* Design Studio SDK */

   *                       me.validateRadii 
   * Description: double checks the inner and outer radii to see if 
   *              they're valid
   * Parameters: value (type float)
  me.validateRadii = function(inner, outer) {
    if (inner <= outer) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   *                       me.recalculateOuterRadius 
   * Description: recalculates the outer radius, double checks inner
   *              radius, if value is invalid it does not recalculate 
   * Parameters: value (type float)
  me.recalculateOuterRadius = function(paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom){
    // Find the larger left/right padding
    var lrPadding = paddingLeft + paddingRight;
    var tbPadding = paddingTop + paddingBottom;
    var maxPadding = lrPadding;
    if (maxPadding < tbPadding){
      maxPadding = tbPadding
    var newOuterRad = (me.$().width() - 2*(maxPadding))/2;
    var isValid = me.validateRadii(me._innerRad, newOuterRad);
    if (isValid === true){
      me._outerRad = newOuterRad;
      return true;
    else {
      return false;

In addition to this change, you should now remove a line of code from me.redraw().

// Don’t let the innerRad be greater than outerRad
if (outerRad < innerRad){
  outerRad = innerRad;
  var warningMsg = "Warning! The gauge arc has a negative radius. Please decrease the inner"
  warningMsg += " radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including";
  warningMsg += " subtraction for padding) must be at least twice as large as Internal Radius!";

Deactivate or remove outerRad = innerRad; and change outerRad < innerRad to outerRad <= innerRad.

// Don’t let the innerRad be greater than outerRad
if (outerRad <= innerRad){          // changed sign
  //outerRad = innerRad;            // deactivated
  var warningMsg = "Warning! The gauge arc has a negative radius. Please decrease the inner"
  warningMsg += " radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including";
  warningMsg += " subtraction for padding) must be at least twice as large as Internal Radius!";
Updating Properties

We need to set up get and set methods. Unlike typical classes, the Design Studio SDK framework has a standard pattern for this which is actually a single function. It is called <property>(value), where it returns either the value of the property(when nothing is passed) or the parent object this.

/* Property Getter and Setter Functions Example */
this.color = function(value) {
  if (value === undefined) {
    return this.$().css("background-color");      // return current value of property
  } else {
    this.$().css("background-color", value);     // set property to passed value
    return this;

In a more complex rendering, you might need to call an additional function like the redraw function we have created for the gauge. If this were added to the above code it would be after the property update right before the return:

    this.$().css("background-color", value);     // set property to passed value
    me.redraw();                                 // redraw the visualization          
    return this;
Property Getter and Setter Functions for Our Project

We need to set up a function like the example for setting each of our properties that will be visible to the designer in Design Studio. Dependent properties are all handled in redraw() which is called in each of these functions when setting a property.

/* Getters and Setters for Gauges */
   *                       me.colorCode 
   * Description: gets and sets the colorCode based on the value
   * Parameters: value (type color)
  me.colorCode = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      return me._colorCode;
    } else {
      me._colorCode = value;
      return this;

   *                       me.innerRad 
   * Description: gets and sets the innerRad based on the value,
   *              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
   * Parameters: value (type float)
  me.innerRad = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      return me._innerRad;
    } else {
      var isValid = me.validateRadii(value, me._outerRad);
      if (isValid === false){
        alert("Warning! The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer! Inner Radius must be equal to or less than " + me._outerRad);
        alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
      } else {
        me._innerRad = value;
      return this;

   *                       me.endAngleDeg 
   * Description: gets and sets the endAngleDeg based on the value
   * Parameters: value (type float)
  me.endAngleDeg = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      return me._endAngleDeg;
    } else {
      me._endAngleDeg = value;
      return this;

   *                       me.startAngleDeg 
   * Description: gets and sets the startAngleDeg based on the value
   * Parameters: value (type float)
  me.startAngleDeg = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      return me._startAngleDeg;
    } else {
      me._startAngleDeg = value;
      return this;

   *                       me.paddingTop 
   * Description: gets and sets the paddingTop based on the value,
   *              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
   * Parameters: value (type int)
  me.paddingTop = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      return me._paddingTop;
    } else {
      var isValid =me.recalculateOuterRadius(me._paddingLeft, me._paddingRight, value, me._paddingBottom);
      if (isValid === false){
        alert("Warning! The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer! Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
        alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
      } else {
        me._paddingTop = value;
      return this;

   *                       me.paddingBottom 
   * Description: gets and sets the paddingBottom based on the value,
   *              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
   * Parameters: value (type int)
  me.paddingBottom = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      return me._paddingBottom;
    } else {
      var isValid = me.recalculateOuterRadius(me._paddingLeft, me._paddingRight, me._paddingTop, value);
      if (isValid === false){
        alert("Warning! The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer! Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
        alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
      } else { = value;
      return this;

   *                       me.paddingLeft 
   * Description: gets and sets the paddingLeft based on the value,
   *              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
   * Parameters: value (type int)
  me.paddingLeft = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      paddingLeft = me._paddingLeft;
      return paddingLeft;
    } else {
      var isValid = me.recalculateOuterRadius(value, me._paddingRight, me._paddingTop, me._paddingBottom);
      if (isValid === false){
        alert("Warning! The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer! Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
        alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
      } else {
        me._paddingLeft = value;
      return this;

   *                       me.paddingRight 
   * Description: gets and sets the paddingRight based on the value,
   *              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
   * Parameters: value (type int)
  me.paddingRight = function(value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
      paddingRight = me._paddingRight;
    } else {
      var isValid = me.recalculateOuterRadius(me._paddingLeft, value, me._paddingTop, me._paddingBottom);
      if (isValid === false){
        alert("Warning! The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer! Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
        alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
      } else {
        me._paddingRight = value;
      return this;
Step 3 Ending Code for Comparison

The entire project so far can be viewed here, but the main two files you want are contribution.xml and res/js/component.js.

I added a debugMode to my component.js to aid with finding an error where it turned out that I'd accidentally deleted a couple lines from the initialization of property values. When set to true, it notified me which functions were getting called.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	title="Design Studio SDK Extension SCN Tutorial Gauge"
	xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
		<stdInclude kind="d3"/>
			title="Start Angle"
			title="End Angle"
			title="Inner Radius"
			title="Outer Radius"
			title="Centerpoint Offset X-Axis"
			title="Centerpoint Offset Y-Axis"
			title="Top Padding"
			title="Bottom Padding"
			title="Left Padding"
			title="Right Padding"
			<defaultValue property="WIDTH">200</defaultValue>
			<defaultValue property="HEIGHT">200</defaultValue>
			<defaultValue property="startAngleDeg">-90.0</defaultValue>
			<defaultValue property="endAngleDeg">90.0</defaultValue>
			<defaultValue property="ColorCode">blue</defaultValue>			

sap.designstudio.sdk.Component.subclass("", function() {
	var debugMode = false;
	var me = this;
	// initialize properties
	me._colorCode = 'blue';
	me._innerRad = 0.0;
	me._outerRad = 0.0;
	me._endAngleDeg = 90.0;
	me._startAngleDeg = -90.0;
	me._paddingTop = 0;
	me._paddingBottom = 0;
	me._paddingLeft = 0;
	me._paddingRight = 0;
	me._offsetLeft = 0;
	me._offsetDown = 0;

	 *                       me.validateRadii 
	 * Description: double checks the inner and outer radii to see if 
	 *              they're valid
	 * Parameters: value (type float)
	me.validateRadii = function(inner, outer) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (inner <= outer) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	*                       me.recalculateOuterRadius 
	* Description: recalculates the outer radius, double checks inner
	*              radius, if value is invalid it does not recalculate 
	* Parameters: value (type float)
	me.recalculateOuterRadius = function(paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom){
		if (debugMode === true) {
		// Find the larger left/right padding
		var lrPadding = paddingLeft + paddingRight;
		var tbPadding = paddingTop + paddingBottom;
		var maxPadding = lrPadding;
		if (maxPadding < tbPadding){
			maxPadding = tbPadding
		var newOuterRad = (me.$().width() - 2*(maxPadding))/2;
		var isValid = me.validateRadii(me._innerRad, newOuterRad);
		if (isValid === true){
			me._outerRad = newOuterRad;
			return true;
		else {
			return false;

	*                       me.colorCode 
	* Description: gets and sets the colorCode based on the value
	* Parameters: value (type color)
	me.colorCode = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (value === undefined) {
			return me._colorCode;
		} else {
			me._colorCode = value;
			return me;
	*                       me.innerRad 
	* Description: gets and sets the innerRad based on the value,
	*              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
	* Parameters: value (type float)
	me.innerRad = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (value === undefined) {
			return me._innerRad;
		} else {
			var isValid = me.validateRadii(value, me._outerRad);
			if (isValid === false){
				alert("Warning!  The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer!  Inner Radius must be equal to or less than " + me._outerRad);
				alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control.  Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
			} else {
				me._innerRad = value;
			return this;

	*                       me.endAngleDeg 
	* Description: gets and sets the endAngleDeg based on the value
	* Parameters: value (type float)
	me.endAngleDeg = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (value === undefined) {
			return me._endAngleDeg;
		} else {
			me._endAngleDeg = value;
			return this;

	*                       me.startAngleDeg 
	* Description: gets and sets the startAngleDeg based on the value
	* Parameters: value (type float)
	me.startAngleDeg = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (value === undefined) {
			return me._startAngleDeg;
		} else {
			me._startAngleDeg = value;
			return this;

	*                       me.paddingTop 
	* Description: gets and sets the paddingTop based on the value,
	*              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
	* Parameters: value (type int)
	me.paddingTop = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (value === undefined) {
			return me._paddingTop;
		} else {
			var isValid =me.recalculateOuterRadius(me._paddingLeft, me._paddingRight, value, me._paddingBottom);
			if (isValid === false){
				alert("Warning!  The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer!  Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
				alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control.  Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
			} else {
				me._paddingTop = value;
			return this;

	*                       me.paddingBottom 
	* Description: gets and sets the paddingBottom based on the value,
	*              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
	* Parameters: value (type int)
	me.paddingBottom = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {

		if (value === undefined) {
			return me._paddingBottom;
		} else {
			var isValid = me.recalculateOuterRadius(me._paddingLeft, me._paddingRight, me._paddingTop, value);
			if (isValid === false){
				alert("Warning!  The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer!  Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
				alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control.  Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
			} else { = value;
			return this;
	*                       me.paddingLeft 
	* Description: gets and sets the paddingLeft based on the value,
	*              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
	* Parameters: value (type int)
	me.paddingLeft = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (value === undefined) {
			paddingLeft = me._paddingLeft;
			return paddingLeft;
		} else {
			var isValid = me.recalculateOuterRadius(value, me._paddingRight, me._paddingTop, me._paddingBottom);
			if (isValid === false){
				alert("Warning!  The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer!  Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
				alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control.  Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
			} else {
				me._paddingLeft = value;
			return this;

	*                       me.paddingRight 
	* Description: gets and sets the paddingRight based on the value,
	*              if value is invalid just warns and does not set 
	* Parameters: value (type int)
	me.paddingRight = function(value) {
		if (debugMode === true) {
		if (value === undefined) {
			paddingRight = me._paddingRight;
		} else {
			var isValid = me.recalculateOuterRadius(me._paddingLeft, value, me._paddingTop, me._paddingBottom);
			if (isValid === false){
				alert("Warning!  The gauge arc can't have a small inner radius than outer!  Outer Radius must be equal to or greater than " + me._innerRad);
				alert("Please decrease the inner radius, or increase the size of the control.  Height & width (including subtraction for padding) must me at least twice as large as Internal Radius!");
			} else {
				me._paddingRight = value;
			return this;
	*                       me.redraw 
	* Description: redraws the component
	* Parameters: none
	me.redraw = function() {
		var myDiv = me.$()[0];						// added in as compared to browser D3

		var pi = Math.PI;							//import Pi

		// clear gauges if they exist"*").remove();

		var vis =					// selects myDiv 
                    .append("svg")					// appends svg element 
                    .attr("width", "100%")			// sets width to 100% 
                    .attr("height", "100%");		// sets height to 100% 
		// Find the larger left/right padding
		var lrPadding = me._paddingLeft + me._paddingRight;
		var tbPadding = me._paddingTop + me._paddingBottom;
		var maxPadding = lrPadding;
		if (maxPadding < tbPadding){
		    maxPadding = tbPadding;
		if (debugMode === true) {
			alert("Width: "+ me.$().width() + " maxPadding: " + maxPadding);
		me._outerRad = (me.$().width() - 2*(maxPadding))/2;
		if (debugMode === true) {
			alert("me.redraw(): testing outer <= inner " + me._outerRad + " <= " + me._innerRad);
		//Don’t let the innerRad be greater than outerRad
		if (me._outerRad <= me._innerRad){
		    var warningMsg = "Warning!  The gauge arc has a negative radius.  Please decrease the inner"
		    warningMsg += " radius, or increase the size of the control. Height & width (including";
		    warningMsg += " subtraction for padding) must be at least twice as large as Internal Radius.!";
		//The offset will determine where the center of the arc shall be
		me._offsetLeft = me._outerRad + me._paddingLeft;
		me._offsetDown = me._outerRad + me._paddingTop;  
		var arcDef = d3.svg.arc()
	                 .startAngle(me._startAngleDeg * (pi/180))		// convert from degrees to radians
	                 .endAngle(me._endAngleDeg * (pi/180))			// convert from degrees to radians
	    /* Define the gauge arc with all of it's attributes and append it to the div. */
        var gaugeArc = vis.attr("width", me.$().width()).attr("height", me.$().height()).append("path")
	                      .style("fill", me._colorCode)
	                      .attr("transform", "translate(" + me._offsetLeft + "," + me._offsetDown + ")")
	                      .attr("d", arcDef);			
	*                       me.init 
	* Description: initializes the component
	* Parameters: none
	me.init = function() {


Testing it Out in Design Studio

The initialization appears to work now since the visualization matches the properties set:

It's responsive to changes made in the properties panel too:


In this part of the tutorial we've covered getting a basic shape from D3 in the browser into a configurable shape in Design Studio using the SDK.

This will later be updated with the rest of the tutorial which is primarily focused on Design Studio rather than D3.

Why do I care about D3?

This guide was written as an assignment for Oregon State's CS 290 course. I selected this topic because I am a business intelligence developer working with SAP's platforms including BOBJ (BusinessObjects). My team is fairly new within the company and we are quickly learning our limitations for graphical representations. I plan to leverage what I learned from researching and writing this in development of extensions for use with Design Studio. For those who are unfamiliar, Design Studio makes heavy use of CSS and JavaScript.
